Welcome to Competence Psychological Movement


Learn About Competence Psychology

Modern Psychology, as an organized field, is not much more than 70 years old. Wilhelm Wundt opens first experimental laboratory in psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany, and Credited with establishing psychology as an academic discipline. But before that there is so many evidence of psychology found in Greek mythology and in Buddhism also. Today there is 17 divisions of the American psychology association, each representing different interests and skill among psychology.
White, R.W.(1959) gives new concepts in psychology, as the concepts of competence, followed by Teruchika Katsumata, PhD in Japan as competence psychology. Psychology is the professional field to research interaction of the organism’s five competencies ( cognitive, physical, social, survival and general self esteem competence ). Clinical psychology is a broad field of practice and research within the discipline of psychology, in which inquires in the interaction of competencies of clients or patients and is applied by the appropriate therapies for amelioration of dysfunctional competences of individuals including prevention, care and rehabilitation of psychological distress, disability, and health risk behaviors, etc.

    Competence words have compacts meaning, competence means the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically, mentally and spiritually. In the word of Katsumata these 3 aspects of human health are represented by ``Happiness and well being``. If we links competence in our human beings life, its have 5 major aspects, which is called five components of competence.
    1. Cognitive competence
    2. Physical competence
    3. Social competence
    4. Survival competence
    5. General self esteem competence


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